Land Trusts owns land, assets and resources on behalf of Traditional Owners. Their key role is to authorise decisions about what happens on Country. Lama Lama People are represented by three Land Trusts and can become a Land Trust member once aged over 18. Each Trust is governed by an Executive Committee that reports annually to the Queensland Government. Membership applications and further information can be obtained by emailing
Lama Lama Land Trust is the key representative group for the Lama Lama People. The bulk of Lama Lama traditional estate is owned and managed by this Trust. Lama Lama Land Trust meetings are where all business across all of country, regardless of land tenure and management is discussed.
Lama Lama are one of the four constituent groups who make up the KULLA land Trust. (Kaanju, Umpila, Lama Lama and Ayapathu). The KULLA Land Trust jointly manage the KULLA / McIlwraith National Park (CYPAL) and freehold lands. Two Lama Lama People are elected to the Executive Committee and represent the wider Lama Lama interest in the management of these areas.
Lama Lama is a member of the Rinyirru Land Trust along with several other clan groups. The Trust jointly manages the Rinyirru National Park (CYPAL), previously known as Lakefield National Park, with the Queensland Government. One Lama Lama person is elected to the Executive Committee and represent the wider Lama Lama interest in the management of these areas.
Yintjingga Aboriginal Corporation is a homelands based organisation, meaning it is set up to support the Lama Lama traditional estate and encourage Lama Lama People to maintain strong cultural connections.
As a not-for-profit organisation, our objectives include improving the social, cultural, environmental and economic wellbeing of the Lama Lama community. YAC manages projects on behalf of the Lama Lama people, endorsed by the Lama Lama Land Trust and where relevant the KULLA Land Trust and the Rinyirru Land Trust.
YAC is committed to its families with most project work focused on natural and cultural resources. We manage the Lama Lama ranger program and are trustees for the Running Creek Beach Protection Reserve. We also coordinate the Lama Lama TUMRA – Traditional Use of Marine Resource Agreement, where work focused on the sustainable management of our Sea Country Estate.
Yintjingga Aboriginal Corporation is the leading organisation for the Lama Lama People. Lama Lama all-of-Country business is discussed in quarterly community meetings held by the Corporation. All Lama Lama People are encouraged to attend. Lama Lama People aged 18 and over are strongly encouraged to join the corporation. The Corporation is managed by a Board of Directors and employs 16 full-time and part-time staff. The senior management team includes the Executive Officer and Operations Manager.
Our Elders group have a formal role within the Corporation. Eight Elders are nominated each year to guide the Board of Directors in their decision making and leadership.
The role of the Lama Lama TUMRA Steering Committee is to provide management and governance arrangements for the administration of our Traditional Use of Marine Resources Agreement (TUMRA) {link this to the TUMRA section in Our Work} with the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority and the Queensland Government.
The Junior Ranger Working Group was established in 2015 to share ideas and support the Junior Ranger Program. This group plays an important role in helping to set the direction for cultural and environmental learning. The team sits within the framework of Yintjingga Aboriginal Corporation.
Land Tenures | Governing Documentation | |||
Aboriginal Freehold is private property owned and managed by Traditional Owners. As with other forms of private property, land is subject to local laws and by-laws. | CYPAL Lands are owned by Traditional Owners and managed in partnership with the Queensland Government as a National Parks, a Protected Area. An Indigenous Management Agreement governs how the park is to be jointly managed and sets out the responsibilities of the State and the Land Trust. |
A nature refuge is a voluntary agreement between a landholder and the Queensland Government. It is perpetual, meaning ‘ongoing’ and it acknowledges a commitment to protect land with significant conservation value, while allowing suitable and sustainable land uses to continue. Lama Lama continue to own and manage their land but follow a negotiated Conservation Agreement, which outlines the conditions and responsibilities – what the can and can’t be done. |
A Land Trust Constitution governs all decision making relevant to activities and lands under its management. It sets out what is required and how The Trust is to do business. It complies with the Aboriginal Land Act 2011. It sets out who is eligible for membership to the Trust. | The Corporation Rule Book sets out what is required by the Organisation in doing business. The rules comply with the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders) Act 2006. Without a Rule Book, an organisation is not viewed as a legal entity. The Corporation is expected to function in line with its Rule Book. |