Lama-Lama-Rangers-banner2-Photo---Annette-RuzickaThe Lama Lama People acknowledge the importance of developing and maintaining strong supportive partnerships, and the value of working together.

Over many years we have built a strong support network with government agencies, community organisations, businesses and individuals. We acknowledge this ongoing support and commitment.

In particular, we would like to acknowledge:

  • The Australian Government and the Queensland Government for their continued support to our Lama Lama Ranger Program and other initiatives.
  • The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority in establishing our Traditional Use of Marine Resource Agreement.
  • The Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service & Queensland Marine Parks Service for the commitment to joint management of our traditional National Park CYPAL Lands.
  • Keith McDonald who supports our Ranger program, providing valuable technical expertise from his many years spent working across North Queensland and Cape York.

Thank-You-Keith-Stamp (1)